THUNDER BAY – LETTERS – On behalf of the many children who missed swimming at Dease Pool this summer we are asking the Mayor and City Council to re-open Dease Pool next summer.
Asking young children to walk to Widnall pool is not a viable option for these children as suggested by Kelly Robertson, Manager of Community Services. This is not a safe walk for young children across one of the busiest streets in Thunder Bay and do we want a re-occurrence of what happened to several young children in Toronto who picked up discarded needles and needed medical attention.?
Dease Pool has served this community well since 1911.
Replacing this pool with other programs will not be the life-saving skill that swimming can provide. Thousands of children will be deprived of this life-saving skill if this pool is not re-opened.
Dease Pool is supported by city schools and teachers, businesses and thousands of citizens as well as the 5,000 citizens who signed the petition to keep the pool open.
The price to replace this pool can simply be lowered by deferring repairs to the change room to another year.
Our kids count too and the simple question is how much is a life worth?
Ray Smith – Chairman
“Save Dease Pool” Committee
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