The Keg Ensures the Glass is Full at Blues Festival and Camp Quality

Members of The Keg presented $30,000 to Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario at last year's Blues Festival for the proceeds of the 2017 event. From left, Camp Quality's Rosa Carlino, The Keg's Nathan Difranco, Heather Sutherland, Bob Stewart, Tricia Del Paggio, Tom Pazianos and Joe Willis, and Camp Quality's Sam Stovel.
Members of The Keg presented $30,000 to Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario at last year's Blues Festival for the proceeds of the 2017 event. From left, Camp Quality's Rosa Carlino, The Keg's Nathan Difranco, Heather Sutherland, Bob Stewart, Tricia Del Paggio, Tom Pazianos and Joe Willis, and Camp Quality's Sam Stovel.

Beer Tent Proceeds Have Supported Camper Experiences Since 2009

THUNDER BAY – With the Thunder Bay Blues Festival ready to kick off this Friday, Camp Quality is kicking off a conversation about the incredible support that long-time Blues Festival participant, The Keg Steakhouse + Bar, has provided to children living with cancer and their families. Since 2009, The Keg has generously donated full proceeds from the event’s beer tent to Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario, reaching a collective and impressive total of over $125,000 raised. This year, they plan to present the 2018 proceeds at the event, contributing an additional $30,000 and bringing the 10-year total to more than $155,000.

“We are honoured that The Keg has chosen to support our campers for more than a decade,” said Ashleigh Quarrell, Camp Director. “Not only has their team raised significant dollars for our programs and services with the Blues Festival beer tent, they have also organized other fundraisers over the years and provided in-kind donations, plus we have enjoyed having many of them joining us as volunteers for camp week. The contributions made through The Keg Spirit Foundation, coupled with the efforts of The Keg staff, have had a profound impact on our ability to offer uplifting experiences for kids with cancer.”

The Thunder Bay Blues Festival is taking place at Prince Arthur’s Landing and Marina Park from Friday, July 5 to Sunday, July 7. Attendees can find both The Keg and Camp Quality on-site to learn more about what both organizations do. Support can be provided by making a donation at the beer tent and/or purchasing 50/50 tickets from the Camp Quality tent.

“When you are safely and responsibly enjoying your beer this weekend, know that The Keg is paying it forward to make sure the glass remains full for our campers,” said Quarrell. “Thank you to every member of the team at The Keg, the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium and the Blues Festival for their considerable efforts, and the compassion they show, in support of Camp Quality.”

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