Hot Weather in Thunder Bay Forecast


THUNDER BAY – WEATHER – Ready for summer? Ready or not summer weather is coming to Thunder Bay and Superior West.

Special weather statement in effect for:

  • City of Thunder Bay
  • Superior West

The first heat event of the season is expected Thursday.

A hot air mass is expected to pay a brief visit to the Thunder Bay area on Thursday, with afternoon temperatures near 30°C expected. Humidex values may reach the mid-thirties.

Cooler air from Lake Superior is expected to return by Thursday evening, with temperatures remaining somewhat lower Friday into the weekend.

These conditions pose a health risk when you are not used to the heat.

Everyone is at risk from heat, especially older adults; infants and young children; and people with chronic illnesses.

You are advised to 1) drink plenty of cool liquids before feeling thirsty; and 2) keep cool by dressing for the weather and spending a few hours each day in a cool place.

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