Many people may not realize that they are drinking too much alcohol until warning signs start to show. When addiction ensues, alcohol begins to be more of a problem than an indulgence. Alcohol dependency is a serious issue that can deteriorate an individual’s health, financial situation, and social life. According to experts, millions of people are overdoing alcohol, which is a cause of alarm. Therefore, regular drinkers should ask themselves whether they are drinking too much. They can answer this by looking at how alcohol is affecting their lives and making necessary steps to avoid sinking further into drinking problems.
Signs of Addiction
To know if you are becoming alcohol dependent, you should assess yourself whether you always have strong drinking urges. Do you feel unable to quit drinking when you try? Do you drink excessively though you know that doing so affects your health? Is your drinking habit causing problems at school or work? Has drinking stopped from performing your obligations or favorite activities? Answering yes to any of these questions indicates that you might be having a severe drinking problem that can escalate if you do not seek assistance. Fortunately, some platforms offer therapy and counselling sessions, which helps manage drinking problems. Visit the website to find recovery from alcohol dependence and get back your valuable sobriety.
Moderate Drinking
Alcohol users should always ensure that they are drinking moderately. Drinking alcohol in moderation, or safe drinking helps you to minimize the chances of getting addicted to this social drink. Authorities recommend that you should take no more than four standard drinks a day. A standard drink contains 14 ml of pure alcohol, so it varies with the type of liquor you are drinking. A standard drink of beer, for example, contains 12 ounces (or 354 ml). Multiplying this by four gives you the maximum amount of alcohol you should imbibe in a day, which is 48 ounces (or 1420 ml). However, if you drink four units of alcohol daily, it means that you take 28 units in a week, which is double the recommended weekly alcohol intake. To avoid injuring your health, you should keep your weekly limit to 14 units, which is equivalent to 169 ounces (or 5000 ml). Assuming a person likes to drink daily, he should tweak the drinking amount and frequency to conform to the safe weekly limit of alcohol intake.
Evading the Loop
An effective way to do this is by drinking four units per day for three consecutive days. On the fourth day, drink two units and avoid alcohol until the next week. This should be the schedule for an extreme drinker to avoid drinking problems. It is however much safer to keep it below the recommended levels. Some brewery companies also promote safe drinking by introducing standard beer bottles of 350 ml volume (1 unit) to help responsible drinkers be aware of the alcohol units they take.
It is of key importance for alcohol users to calculate the ABV of the liquor they take. This will help you know the amount that you should take to avoid exceeding the daily and weekly recommended levels.