Michael Gravelle – “Truly Disappointed in Government Priorities”

Minister Michael Gravelle looks forward to a hard-fought campaign and June 7th's election
Michael Gravelle looks is working to increase Canadian Content

THUNDER BAY – POLITICS – “I am truly disappointed in the priorities set out in the government’s budget. It is appalling to me to see massive cuts to key areas such as children, community and social services, mental health, the environment, and Indigenous affairs. This budget makes no reference to funding the Northern Highway Program or the NOHFC and gives no useful information or funding commitments to the Ring of Fire. This budget promised to protect what matters most, but in reality, it cuts services that Ontarians need the most,” says Michael Gravelle, MPP Thunder Bay-Superior North.

“Doug Ford is making deep cuts to the programs and services that matter most to Ontario families,” adds Gravelle.

Gravelle states “The Ford government inherited one of the top economies in the world. An economy that led the G7 in jobs and growth for 5 years, with the lowest unemployment rate in decades. Instead, he has inflated the size of the deficit as a context for cuts.”

The Ontario Liberals on Budget 2019 – Here’s what we know:

  • The government is moving to increase class sizes.
  • They’ve cut mental health spending
  • They’ve made changes to OSAP that favour the wealthiest while putting a greater burden of debt on low and middle-income families
  • They’ve changed OHIP+ to OHIP- by increasing the burden on families for their children’s prescriptions.
  • They’re pulling $1 billion out of the Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services that support our most vulnerable
  • They’ve cut funding for Northern Ontario, including 20% to the base funding of Energy, Northern Development, and Mines, 20% to Natural Resources and Forestry, and 50% to Indigenous Affairs.

The Ford government can find money for partisan election advertising to help their friend Andrew Scheer and six-figure jobs for failed candidates and family friends. Yet, they can’t find money for things that matter most to Ontario families – like adequately funding health care, education, and supports for vulnerable people.

Instead of building on our strengths, they are dismantling those things that families depend on. Ontarians deserve so much better.

“Doug Ford isn’t protecting what matters most to Ontarians. He’s focused on tailgating, beer and wine in corner stores and vanity licenses plates to distract from the fact that he is cutting from what’s needed in healthcare and education,” states John Fraser, Interim Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party.

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James Murray
NetNewsledger.com or NNL offers news, information, opinions and positive ideas for Thunder Bay, Ontario, Northwestern Ontario and the world. NNL covers a large region of Ontario, but are also widely read around the country and the world. To reach us by email: newsroom@netnewsledger.com Reach the Newsroom: (807) 355-1862