THUNDER BAY – This past week has seen snow, freezing drizzle, blowing snow, and high snowbanks as a result of the recent snowfalls. There have also been a large number of motor vehicle accidents.
Thunder Bay Police Service would like to remind motorists to use caution when driving on city streets after a significant increase in motor vehicle collisions this past week.
This all boils down to giving yourself more time
TBPS says that “The majority of these collisions are entirely preventable and are the cause of driver error. A moderate melting of snow has led to wet roadways followed by extreme cold which has made conditions more slippery than normal. This combined with reduced visibility due to higher than normal snow banks and drivers failing to properly clear their windshields before driving has led to many of the collisions”.
Police would like to remind the public to drive according to road conditions, to properly clear their windshields before driving and not to proceed out onto a roadway if they cannot clearly see if a vehicle is approaching.
It is never the snow bank that caused you to pull out in front of an oncoming vehicle, the windshields fault for not letting you see through the ice on it or the roads fault for being slippery after a snowstorm.
It is always the driver’s responsibility to ensure they are in control of their motor vehicle.