EAR FALLS – BUSINESS – Domtar and Unifor have just negotiated $100,000 early retirement packages and up to $50,000 in moving allowances for about two dozen woodlands employees near Ear Falls.
George Smith, Unifor Local 324 President said, “EACOM’s Ear Falls sawmill recently hired dozens of additional Unifor members for increased lumber production and sawlog harvesting on the Trout Forest. However, as a result of the EACOM sawmill expansion, Domtar will no longer require its lone chipper operation based in Ear Falls after March 31st.”
Stephen Boon, Unifor National Representative, stated, “In order to minimize the impact of this transition away from bush chipping and more towards sawlog harvesting, Domtar and Unifor have now negotiated $100,000 early retirement packages for senior protected employees throughout all of Domtar’s forestry operations. These packages will provide our long-service employees with a dignified retirement option while also helping to reduce potential layoffs of newer employees.”
“Any affected Ear Falls employees wishing to re-locate to Dryden will also be provided with a range of moving allowance options based on years of service up to a maximum of $50,000,” Boon added.