THUNDER BAY – LIVING – Heading into 2019… It might sound strange, but heading into 2019 my thought is that you make mistakes.
I hope you make new mistakes. That will mean you are trying new and exciting things.
A goal heading into the new year should be trying new things, learning new things, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
I hope you push yourself to make your life one you have pride and satisfaction in living.
Change yourself, change the world. Make a difference. Let your inner spirit set your course.
Change the things that have held you back. Don’t accept excuses, don’t make excuses.
Embrace change, because the one constant on earth is change.
Learn new things. Demand it from life, from school, from family and friends.
Don’t accept the status quo. Embrace the real you.
Those who have tried to hold you back, be them people or things, let go of them so that YOU can become the real you, the person the spirits, the grandfathers, and your destiny has set you to be.
Overcome pain, overcome disappointment, overcome obstacles to your success.
All of that is going to mean you are likely to make mistakes. It will mean you are challenging yourself.
May 2019 be a year that by the end you look back on the time and feel the kind of satisfaction and can say with pride, I did it.
Why? Because YOU can do it.
James Murray