Don Murray looks to raise funds for the Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay while cheering on his nephew Matt Murray!
Don’s wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 11 years ago and is now in long-term care. When Don’s nephew Matt announced his ‘Saves MATTer’ fundraiser for children’s charities, Don said he “Felt moved to do something to build on his effort. I have pledged one dollar for every save he makes that I will donate to the Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay. Last season Matt made almost 1300 saves. Thunder Bay is a hockey town, I know there are many who follow hockey and Matt’s career who might want to join in and make a pledge per save to go to the local Alzheimer Society.”
The Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay asks community groups, businesses, and individuals in Thunder Bay to join Don in his efforts. Donors can register and pledge their donation for the 2018/19 hockey season by calling the Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay office at 345-9556 or by visiting their website at www.alzheimer.ca/thunderbay. Pledges can range in various increments, from 10 cents and up. “We are always so fortunate to have such incredible support from the community,” says Pamela Gerrie, Interim Manager “when Don approached us, we knew this would be a great idea. It’s a great way for hockey fans to raise funds while having fun.”
Over 2,800 individuals in the Thunder Bay community are living with dementia and this number is expected to double in the next ten years. Currently, there are no cures or effective treatments to delay or stop the disease. That’s why it’s imperative to ensure funding for programs, services and other resources to help those affected live as independently as possible, and with the best possible quality of life. All proceeds from Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay events stay local in our community, providing Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow.