SHUNIAH – Mayor Wendy Landry says that Shuniah is too small for wards, and the Council in the community is working to go ward free. “It’s something we have talked about for a long time,” states Mayor Landry.
“McTavish only gets to vote for one councillor and mayor yet 3 other councillors hold the balance of power of votes so we feel that they should have a say in who they get to elect,” says Landry.
A motion has been passed at Shuniah Council on this matter.
Res No. 1897-18: Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Don Smith THAT Council hereby directs the Clerk to proceed with the process to dissolve the Ward System in Shuniah.
AND Further, that notice of same be undertaken as per the Notification By-law 2396-09 in which notice shall be given in the Chronicle Journal within 15 days of the passing of the by-law stipulating a 45 day appeal period.
AND further directs the clerk to schedule a public meeting prior to passing of the By-law. CARRIED.