We need to shape and create the community – Nathan Lawrence

Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of CommerceBy Nathan Lawrence

THUNDER BAY – BUSINESS – A huge part of who I am has always been about being engaged in our community. It is something that I have always strived to do and something I have always included in my annual personal goal/priority setting. I believe this is our city to take ownership of. We need to shape and create the community we want to live it.

I have been actively engaged in the Chamber Network at multiple levels for close to 9 years now. A strong business community creates a foundation for a strong city. Tonight, I officially stepped into my role as the 2018/2019 Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce Chair of the Board. I have always had a tremendous amount of respect for the Chair position, the role the Chair plays in the local Chamber Organization and the positive impact they have on our community. It is a responsibility I will not take lightly and one that I have been very much been looking forward to.

I also believe that a Chair is only as strong as the board and staff they are privileged enough to serve. I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by an amazing team of Board Directors, a powerhouse Executive Team and one of the most respected and leading Chamber Presidents (and staff complement) in both Ontario and Canada!

Today is day one of what I expect to be an incredibly rewarding 12-month journey…one full of experiences, challenges and opportunities as the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce continues its amazing work for this incredible City.

Nathan Lawrence
Board Chair – Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce

#chamberofcommerce #thunderbay #tbay #tbaylovin #tbaybiz #business#chairoftheboard #powerhouseteam #excited

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