National Indigenous Cannabis and Hemp Conference


CALGARY – For the first time ever, Indigenous Peoples and industry leaders will come together in Calgary to participate in the National Indigenous Cannabis and Hemp conference (NICHC). “This is the very first all-Indigenous conference on cannabis, and the timing could not be better,” said Isadore Day, CEO of Bimaadzwin and a moderator for NICHC panels.

“With the national legalization of cannabis last month, our communities have a ground floor opportunity to become fully involved in this new multi-billion dollar industry. If they choose to do so, our communities must be the drivers of investment, own and operate space in all areas of the cannabis industry value chain,”  continued Day.

If they choose to do so, some communities will have nothing to do with cannabis, just as some are dry communities, banning alcohol sales; this conference gives them a solid foundation of information and current details on where the important public policy and Indigenous governance laws are headed.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the response with Grand Chiefs, Chiefs and Council members coming from all four directions including, the east coast, North West Territories, Vancouver Island and Nations from the south.  Cannabis has become an important issue for everyone, as it’s going to have an impact on the health, welfare and economic development of communities for generations to come,” said Howard Silver, Co-Chair of the conference.

Anyone attending the NICHC will not only gain a greater understanding of this new cannabis market, they will also be able to connect with government and industry in terms of next steps, whether it is community health and safety or investment and operations – to that end, First Nations will define the path forward,” concluded Isadore Day.

The three-day conference runs from November 18-21st at the Grey Eagle Hotel and Event Centre on the Tsuut’ina Nation. Leading Indigenous cannabis experts from the fields of medicine, business, law, economic and policy development will share their insights. Indigenous speakers include Chief Lee Crowchild, Grand Chief Joseph Norton, Former Regional Chief, Isadore Day, Manny Jules and Dr. Evan Adams to name a few. Health Minister, the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor will also be in attendance to participate in the engaging dialogue.


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Bryan Hendry
Bimaadzwin – which means “life” or “good path” in Anishinaabe – was incorporated in July 2018 by former Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day. The driving purpose of Bimaadzwin is to Advance Our Nations. Our Peoples need to create happy, healthy communities through economic development that focuses on First Nation jurisdiction. Our health comes from the wealth of our lands. We are the land.