THUNDER BAY – POLITICS – Kevin Cernjul has ended his campaign for Mayor. Over the past weeks, Cernjul has not attended any of the public forums, or debates.
Cernjul will publicly endorse Frank Pullia on Thursday, October 18, 2018, at 2:00 PM at Pullia’s campaign office.
In a statement issued by the Pullia campaign, “Mr. Cernjul has decided to forego his bid and encourages all his supporters to vote for Frank Pullia on October 22. Mr. Cernjul’s campaign platform and plans are consistent and aligned with those presented by Mr. Pullia and whom he believes is the right person for the job.”
Mr. Cernjul says: “My reason to run for mayor was to be the voice of young professionals and represent their perspective and vision for a progressive city. In watching this election unfold it has become apparent to me that Mr. Pullia embodies the qualities that I believe are required to make this vision a reality. I encourage all my supporters to cast their vote on October 22 for Frank Pullia”.