Mark Bentz – Candidate’s Ledger – At Large

Thunder Bay City Hall
Thunder Bay City Hall

Mark Bentz campaignTHUNDER BAY – POLITICS 2.0 –  Hello Thunder Bay, I’m Mark Bentz, a candidate for Councillor At Large.

I believe the important traits of any successful leader are experience, empathy, integrity and a willingness to think outside the box to find solutions.  I have worked hard serving our community over the past 20 plus years and have a track record of upholding these values.

Mark Bentz
Mark Bentz

Having served on many local boards and been elected to both the Board of Education and to City Council, I’m confident that I have the knowledge and experience to help our community solve some of its most pressing issues and continue to move forward.  As a public official, I’ve taken on many challenging leadership roles including Chair of the City’s Budget Committee as well as Chair of the Waterfront Development Committee that oversaw the creation of Prince Arthur’s Landing by attracting over $100 million in private, federal and provincial investment into our local economy.  I believe that partnerships and collaboration are critical components of any successful community.

The difficulties facing our community are challenging and complex.  Increasing levels of crime, decreasing industrial assessments and a desire to keep taxes in-line with inflation will require leaders with experience and a good working knowledge of our community to develop the partnerships required to maximize the efficiency of existing resources.

My platform is a simple one: I will make policy decisions that are in the best long-term financial interests of the City that enhance our quality of life.  Investments in both physical and social infrastructure are a must if we are to control costs and make Thunder Bay an attractive place to raise a family, start a business or retire.

Whether you choose to vote at the polls, online or by telephone this October, I hope you choose to support me, Mark Bentz for Councillor At Large.

Thank you.

Mark Bentz

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