Letter – Stepped up to Support Frank Pullia for Mayor

Letters to the Editor

THUNDER BAY – LETTERS – I have stepped up to publicly support Frank Pullia in his campaign for Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, for a number of compelling reasons.  There are many candidates, all with differing education, experience and skillsets. How do we best choose?

As someone who has known Frank, for over thirty-five years, I have seen him mature into an intelligent, caring, concerned and involved citizen who works tirelessly for the community. Improving our community always has been, and always will be, his top priority.

His degree in accounting, MBA and professional accounting designation have helped him understand, advise and influence his colleagues when discussing and making decisions involving the complex city budget. I believe he has truly helped influence decisions, that have balanced City budgets, kept tax increases close to inflation and produced year-end surpluses the last three years he has served as chair of the Budget & Finance committee. A better run, sustainable city is one of his main priorities.

Frank is not only experienced in budgets and finance, but he is also experienced with strategic management, business funding, economic development, infrastructure projects, International business partnerships, ran his own successful consulting firm; and has experience on council, as many of us know.

Frank also is well connected to the youth, the elderly and to leaders throughout the city as well as civil servants and politicians throughout the province and the country. His nonpartisan municipal-focused perspective will continue to help the city open doors to politicians in power regardless of their political party. Partnerships with, all levels of government, First Nations leaders, labour and the business community, are how he will help achieve his ”stronger and safer community” priority.

He does not want to be mayor to “toot his own horn”, nor to cross something off his “bucket list”.  He does not want to be mayor for lack of “nothing better to do”.

Frank cares, period!

When someone cares, it shows! And it shows in spades for Frank Pullia. When someone’s actions match their words, it builds our trust.

A growing number of voters and I, trust that Frank has the education, the experience, the proven leadership skills, to best move our city forward.

Frank Pullia…putting Thunder Bay first!

Mike Gallagher
Thunder Bay

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