CAMP QUALITY – It was a bright and early morning for Camp Quality today! We started extra early so we could go on a field trip, but not before a delicious breakfast of make-your-own breakfast sandwiches. Our bus blasted off at 8:30 sharp as we headed to the Terry Fox monument to take our annual photo with role model Terry Fox. After some stretching, we finally got together enough to get our photos and videos. Only a quick stop though, because our good friends at KOA Campground were waiting for us, and they had some great activities lined up for us, including fishing, mini putt, swimming and a driving range. Upon arriving at KOA, our campers dispersed with their companions to the activity of their choice. At the fishing pond, our campers caught some fish with the cool neon green worms that the KOA staff provided.

Some of our campers; however, preferred to practice their line drives on the driving range.

Most of our campers and companions decided to beat the heat in KOA’s awesome pool. As well as swimming, many of our campers and volunteers opted to take advantage of KOA’s showers because sometimes by Tuesday we all smell a little funky since there are fewer showers at camp! I’m sure any of the volunteers can back me up when I say the shower was my favorite part of the field trip.

After we were squeaky clean, we gathered for a great lunch of beef on a bun with ice cream for dessert, which was kindly provided by KOA. During lunch, owners Mike and Kristy presented us with a generous donation of $4,000 from KOA Care Camps. I speak on behalf of all of Camp Quality when I say a huge thank you to KOA Campgrounds for everything they continue to do for us!

Next, we hopped back on the bus to head back to camp for some toes up time! Our campers and volunteers gladly accepted the chance to relax after a long and exciting morning. But, not for long – our next guest was just around the corner: Conservation Officer Andy and his partner Rex from the Canine Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources! Andy talked to us about what Rex does, how he is trained, and even showed us a demonstration by letting Rex hunt down some things that had been placed in hidden spots around the camp. What a good boy! Our campers were jazzed by the cute dog they got to see.

Speaking of officers, today was the day of our annual soccer game against the police. In case you didn’t know, each year our campers and volunteers team up against some of the Thunder Bay Police Association’s best players where they fight an epic battle on the soccer field. This year’s game was a tough match, but Team Camp Quality just didn’t let the TBPA team catch a break – or score a goal – and the game ended with a score of 11-4. We remain undefeated – better luck next year TBPA!

Following the soccer game, the Thunder Bay Police Association’s team was kind enough to barbecue up a storm and make us a delicious meal of hot dogs, hamburgers, and sausages. Thank you to the TBPA for a great game, a great meal and great company: Jim, Trish, Rob, Greg, Lisa S., Roxanne, Lisa W., John, Alex, and Ian.
With full bellies, our campers were then treated to round two of science experiments with Tempest and Kristen from Let’s Talk Science. This time around, the campers were shown how to make some really cool slime from scratch. I think the campers loved the chance to play with something so squishy and weird. A big thank you goes out to Let’s Talk Science for teaching us so much this week!

For the rest of the evening, our campers enjoyed some games, a campfire, and many went to bed early to prepare for tomorrow morning’s early wake-up call. Tomorrow is a big day packed with activities so stay tuned to read all about our CQNWO adventures, science style. Goodnight from the craft shack!
This is the seventh year that NetNewsLedger.com have hosted the Camp Quality Northwest blog. NetNewsLedger is pleased to support the work of Camp Quality, and the ongoing battle to beat cancer. On a personal note, cancer has taken both of my grandparents, it tried to take my mom. There are few people in Northwestern Ontario who are not impacted by cancer.
When cancer takes on children, it is time for us all to rally to help them.