April 3, 2018 – Northwestern Ontario Day Starter

Getting set to watch curling at the Port Arthur Curling Club - also a great place for lunch or dinner
Getting set to watch curling at the Port Arthur Curling Club - also a great place for lunch or dinner
Getting set to watch curling at the Port Arthur Curling Club - also a great place for lunch or dinner
Getting set to watch curling at the Port Arthur Curling Club – The Canadian Firefighters Curling Championships continue this week

Hotspot in Ontario: 3.3 °C37.9 °F Toronto Downtown
Cold spot in Ontario: -31.8 °C-25.2 °F Muskrat Dam Airport
Hotspot in Canada: 7.7 °C45.9 °F Howe Sound – Pam Rocks, BC
Cold spot in Canada: -36.6 °C-33.9 °F Key Lake, SK

THUNDER BAY – DAY STARTER – Good Morning Northwestern Ontario. Wintery weather temperature wise continues. Thunder Bay is looking at a daytime high of -5c for today. That is a full ten degrees cooler than the long-term average for April 3rd. For back to school and work, expect mainly cloudy with a 30 percent chance of flurries in the morning. A UV index 4 or moderate.

For parts of southern Ontario, winter storms and snow are in the forecast. A Colorado low is racing across Lake Huron and Lake Ontario and is gathering up a blast of winter – Environment Canada has issued winter storm warnings for a large part of southern Ontario and is forecasting up to thirty centimetres of snow for the region.

What Do You Need to Know?

THUNDER BAY – The Superior North Association of Paramedics have issued a statement regarding cocaine cut with opioids in Thunder Bay. “In recent days our Paramedics have responded to multiple reports of patients having adverse reactions to cocaine use.

The reactions have ranged from difficulty breathing to complete unconsciousness. Read the Full Report.

THUNDER BAY – NEWS – Thunder Bay Fire Rescue responded to a call on Sunda,y April 1, 2018, at 18:15, at 3240 Feaver Rd. for a report of a house on fire. First arriving units found the home fully involved in fire and initiated a defensive attack, shortly after which the roof collapsed.

Politics 2.0

Over the weekend, in case you missed it, Minister Michael Gravelle, Minister Bill Mauro, Thunder Bay Atikokan NDP Candidate Judith Montieth Farrell, and Councillor Frank Pullia were in the Newsroom. Moving you past the sound-bite into the real meat of the local political scene is our goal. This weekend there was a lot of real meat and not turkey in the Newsroom. Don’t miss the interviews.

Public Service Announcements

Spring Tea at the Branch No 5 Legion at 229 Van Norman Street from 12:00-3:00 on Sunday, April 8th, 2018.

The Navy League Cadet Corps #28 Thunder is a cadets group for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 12.  Cadets learn marching drills, ropes, and knots, navigation, first aid, navy traditions, make new friends, play sports and so much more.

Come and enjoy some tea, coffee, and snacks while supporting the local Navy League Cadet Corps.  There will be a door prize, bake table, craft table, draw table and other draws.  Tickets are $5 and can be purchased through any Navy League Cadet or at the door.

For the Family

Families are invited to enjoy a fun evening of skating, this Spring at the Fort William Gardens. The Mac’s Family Skate in support PRO Kids will be held on April 6, from 7 to 9 pm.

Come out and skate with local North Stars players! There will also be a beginners skate area, face painting, prizes, music and a Chuck-a-Duck game. Admission is $2 per person, proceeds in support of PRO Kids. Helmets are mandatory for children 12 years and under and recommended for all skaters.

PRO Kids is a registered charity that makes recreation opportunities accessible to Thunder Bay children and youth who are otherwise unable to afford program fees. For information, contact Ally Drombolis at 625-2340 or visit www.prokidsthunderbay.ca

Learn More!

Citizen Science” will be the topic of a Lakehead University presentation at the Lake Helen Community Centre, just east of Nipigon, at 7 p.m. on April 3rd. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The presentation is aimed at engaging Nipigon area residents in efforts to collect data about regional streams. Water temperature, water quality, flow rates, substrate material and barriers to fish passage will all be noted in a program planned for this summer. The university is hoping to identify streams which might benefit from rehabilitation. Fish passage to productive habitat and spawning areas has been blocked in some streams due to development, construction and other activities.

Presentations will also be provided about an environmental monitoring plan for Nipigon Bay and about environmental initiatives of the Red Rock Indian Band. The meeting is being hosted by the Nipigon Bay Remedial Action Plan which has carried out environmental projects in the Nipigon area for many years. Further information is available at www.infosuperior.com or by calling Jim Bailey at 807-343-8514.

Gas Up for Less

The price of a litre of gas is now the same in Dryden as Thunder Bay. Fuel prices across the region range from $1.240 in Dryden, $1.24.4 at the Husky on Chipman Street in Kenora,  In Thunder Bay, the lowest price in the city is $1.259 at the Macs on Dawson Road. Out on the Fort William First Nation, gas prices are at $1.077 at THP and K&A. You can get the latest gas prices, including Cook County MN at GasPrices on NetNewsLedger.

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Day Starter is a daily feature on NetNewsLedger – Thank you for being one of our dedicated readers, or if you are new here, thanks for spending a part of your day with us.

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James Murray
NetNewsledger.com or NNL offers news, information, opinions and positive ideas for Thunder Bay, Ontario, Northwestern Ontario and the world. NNL covers a large region of Ontario, but are also widely read around the country and the world. To reach us by email: newsroom@netnewsledger.com Reach the Newsroom: (807) 355-1862