Hotspot in Ontario: -0.3 °C 31.5 °F Caribou Island
Cold spot in Ontario: -29.0 °C -20.2 °F Peawanuck; Peawanuck Airport
Hotspot in Canada: 8.6 °C 47.5 °F Howe Sound – Pam Rocks, BC
Cold spot in Canada: -45.2 °C -49.4 °F Eureka, NU
Thunder Bay – Day Starter – Good Morning and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you. It is Saturday, March 17th. In Thunder Bay this morning you are waking up to a chilly -9c. Environment Canada is forecasting increasing cloudiness this morning with a 30 percent chance of flurries by this afternoon. Winds will become west 20 km/h late this afternoon. Today’s high should be 6c. UV index 3 or moderate.
What Do You Need to Know?
THUNDER BAY – Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek Health and Social Services will honour mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties, and grandmothers who have suffered from violence in their lives. Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (BNA) is hosting a full day event in Thunder Bay, Ontario, with the goal to bring together both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people together. Find out more…
THUNDER BAY – In his first call with Northern media since becoming Ontario PC Leader, Doug Ford reiterated his commitment to being a strong voice for the North. “There is nowhere I love visiting more than the North. But under Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals, the North has been ignored,” said Ford. Ford is adamant that there has to be progress in bringing the Ring of Fire into play. The PC leader stated he would jump on the bulldozer to get it going. Hear the entire conference call.
THUNDER BAY – Responding to Doug Ford. Minister Michael Gravelle – At a time when Ontarians need a government that chooses to invest in our hospitals, mental health, long-term care and child care, Doug Ford and the Conservatives are instead only offering an agenda filled with massive cuts to hospitals, schools, and other important public services. Read Minister Gravelle’s commentary.
Townhall Meeting – Frank Pullia reports, “With more and more Indigenous youth, international students and newcomers coming to Thunder Bay for school, it is imperative that we offer them the best possible chances for success and a city that is welcoming and safe”.
“Join me then for a conversation on how to do that and attend my town hall meeting on “Keeping our Youth Safe Through Technology and Collaboration” at the Kinsmen Community Centre at 609 James St. N. on Wednesday, March 21, between 7-9 pm”.
THUNDER BAY – The Salvation Army Community & Residential Services is launching a Towel, Sheet and Blanket Drive. The Sally Ann report, “We are in immediate need of gently used or new bath towels, twin bed sheets and blankets for the residents of our Centre. Donations can be dropped off at The Salvation Army, 545 Cumberland St. North.”
On a daily basis, 50 to 60 men are resident at the Centre. Our current supplies of these linens have dwindled with ongoing wear and tear from daily use. It is spring cleaning time and this is the perfect time to declutter homes. Those who have an excess of these items in their homes can be a part of helping men living at the Centre to maintain good hygiene and have appropriate bedding.
The Salvation Army Community & Residential Services houses men who need temporary shelter while they stabilize their lives. While here, our staff works with them to break down the barriers that have kept them from living the best life possible. In other residential programs, supportive housing is provided for men with mental health issues and a halfway house is available for male federal parolees transitioning back into society.
“By contributing to the Towel, Sheet & Blanket Drive, you are showing the residents of our Centre that someone cares about the most basic of their needs – this goes a long way on their journey to a better life”, said Major Lori Mitchell, Executive Director.
Gas Up for Less
The lowest prices for a litre of gasoline continues to be in Dryden. Fuel prices across the region range from $1.089 in Dryden, $1.184 at the Husky on Chipman Street in Kenora, In Thunder Bay, the lowest price in the city is $1.199 at the Real Canadian Superstore on Memorial Avenue. Out on the Fort William First Nation, gas prices are at $1.077 at THP and K&A. You can get the latest gas prices, including Cook County MN at GasPrices on NetNewsLedger.
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