OTTAWA – NEWS – Canadian Blood Services has issued an urgent call for Canadians to give blood. More than 35,000 donors are needed by Spring Break to ensure all patients continue to have access to the blood and blood products they need.
While the national blood inventory has steadily declined over the winter months, the organization hopes that the arrival of spring will present an opportunity for Canadians to make donating blood part of their routine.
“Canadian patients rely on blood donors to live longer and healthier lives. More than 35,000 donors are needed over the next few weeks across Canada to help meet patient needs this spring,” says Rick Prinzen, Canadian Blood Services’ chief supply chain officer.
Patients like 10-year-old Eliel (Eli) Tepas Barba from Vancouver, B.C., understand the need for blood all too well. Diagnosed with hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia last year, Eli is currently in remission but still receives regular treatment at BC Children’s Hospital.
“Blood donors are saving Eli’s life,” says his father Alex Tepas. “He has received countless units of blood and we’re so grateful to the people who have helped keep Eli alive,” he says.
“There are thousands of open appointments across Canada over the next two weeks. As we emerge from a particularly challenging winter, we’re asking Canadians to donate blood so that all patients have access to blood when they need it,” concludes Prinzen.
Making an appointment to donate has never been easier. Visit blood.ca, download our GiveBlood app or call 1-888-2-DONATE and find a nearby donation site. Walk-in appointments are also available at all locations.