Naturally Repel Bees and Keep Them Away

"Every third mouthful of food you eat is because a honeybee was involved. Saving Bees is key to humanity's future on this planet.
"Every third mouthful of food you eat is because a honeybee was involved. Saving Bees is key to humanity's future on this planet.

LONDON – LIVING – Is there a bee colony near your house or in a tree that needs to be removed?

While there are chemicals that could easily kill bees to get rid of them, if they are honey bees, then you may not wish them dead. Instead, you can use one of these natural solutions to repel most bees.

Garlic Powder

Bees are not fond of the smell of garlic, so to discourage them from being near your house, sprinkle some garlic powder near where you’ve seen them. Be careful with the powder and do not put it directly on a bee if you see one because it can be deadly to them.


Bees do not want to be near peppermint because they dislike the smell. One way to keep them away from or out of your house is to plant peppermint around the perimeter of it. Not only will it keep the bees away, but you can use the plant to make tea.


Cinnamon is another spice bees would rather avoid. Sprinkle it daily, or at least once a week, where you’ve spotted bees going in and out of their nest. It will drive them away and help keep them away for good if you sprinkle it often.

Distilled Vinegar

This ingredient can be used to keep bees out of your garden or house. Place small, open containers of white distilled vinegar around the garden to prevent bees from hovering around.

Also, use distilled vinegar to wipe out birdhouses and hummingbird feeders after they’ve been emptied to repel bees.

Citronella Candles

If you want to keep honeybees and bumblebees out of the yard or your house, burn citronella candles. It masks odours bees may be attracted to, such as the nectar in a hummingbird feeder. By using citronella candles or torches in larger areas, it will keep bees away.

Hire Removal Service

If you tried a few remedies, but the bees keep coming back, or if you’ve found a colony in your house, hire a live bee removal service to take care of the problem. If they are honeybees, most services will save them and provide them with a new home.

Soap Solution

Another organic method for getting rid of bees is to fill a spray bottle with a solution of half water and half mild dish soap. Shake the bottle to mix it, then spray it around their nest or other areas where you’ve seen them. Spray the areas at night to be more effective.


You can also put mothballs in some old nylons or cheesecloth and hang them near their nest. The mothballs have an overpowering odour, which masks other smells. The bees will not like it and will avoid it if possible.

Plant Marigolds

If there are bees in the neighbourhood, plant marigolds to keep them at bay. Marigolds bloom throughout the summer and give off a pungent odour that bees do not want to be around. They can be placed in flower beds or as a border around swimming pools to repel bees.

These nine solutions will prevent bees from overtaking your house or keep them out of the garden if you properly use them. They are safe, natural remedies the repel bees without killing them.

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