THUNDER BAY – DAY STARTER – Welcome to the weekend Northwestern Ontario. Saturday will be an amazing day to get outside, take a walk, go sliding, or enjoy some winter fun. Environment Canada is calling for a daytime high of -4, Skies will be cloudy with a 60 percent chance of flurries.
The big political news story in Thunder Bay is that former federal MP John Rafferty has dropped out of the race in Thunder Bay Atikokan due to a serious medical issue. NetNewsLedger would like to extend our thoughts to Mr. Rafferty and his friends and family. Read more!
On the provincial side, the Progressive Conservative Caucus has chosen Vic Fedeli as the party’s interim leader. The Party has also announced that there will be a leadership convention when the party members will decide who the next leader will be.
The fallout from the allegation of sexual misconduct on the part of Patrick Brown has extended out to one of the CTV News anchors who reported the story.
Get Set for the Weekend
To bring a brighter perspective and a positive side of Thunder Bay and in the spirit of the Friendship Agreement, the four signatories North Caribou Lake First Nation, Fort William First Nation, City of Thunder Bay and Thunder Bay Police Services Board along with Thunder Bay Police Service present “Together We Are Stronger” feast in the Downtown Fort William Neighbourhood on Saturday, January 27, 2018, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.
The event will be held at The Hub Bazaar located at 507 Victoria Avenue East and the Downtown Fort William Neighbourhood are welcome to drop in for some free stew and bannock.
In partnership with the Fort William BIA and sponsored by Crime Prevention Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Drug Strategy, The Hub Bazaar, Evergreen A United Neighbourhood, Excuria, & Impact Promotions.
Sunday Funday
Boreal Journeys Dog Sled Kennel returns to Winter Fundays for another afternoon of fun! Join them for a scenic dogsled ride along the shores of Lake Superior. Families will be able to meet the sled dogs, learn about the history of dogsledding and how it is still used a mode of transportation today. Note that this is an extended activity running from 12 pm to 4 pm. Rides will be offered in the Spirit Garden.
Don’t forget to also visit the Baggage Building Arts Centre for the Birds of the Bay community engaged art project from 1-3 pm. Winter Fundays run every Sunday until March 11th with a different free winter activity every week. Visit for more information.

Thunder Bay: Share your thoughts with the Premier of Ontario!
Join Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne on Wednesday, January 31 at the Italian Cultural Centre (132 Algoma St. S) at 6:00 p.m. for a Town Hall Meeting. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
RSVP (Which Does Not Assure a Seat) at
Gas Up for Less
Fuel prices across the region range from $1.119 at Extra Foods in Dryden, $1.249 in Kenora, and in Thunder Bay the lowest price in the city is $1.226 at the Mac’s on Dawson Road. Out on the Fort William First Nation, gas prices range from $1.087 at THP to $1.139 at First Class Gas. You can get the latest gas prices, including Grand Marias MN at GasPrices on NetNewsLedger.
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