Letter – Remove Brown from PC Caucus Immediately

Letters to the Editor

LETTERS – Last night, CTV News reported allegations of sexual misconduct from two women against Leader of the Ontario PC Party, Patrick Brown.

It was Brown’s initial intention to remain as PC Leader. Only after a meeting with his PC MPPs later in the evening did he announce he would resign.

This concludes Brown’s tenure as PC Leader – a tenure that saw Brown lead the corruption of the governance of the Ontario PC Party by lying about the legal powers he had under the Ontario Election Act and promoting the violation of the PC Constitution in the selection of nomination candidates.

Ontario PC Deputy Leaders Sylvia Jones and Steve Clark released a statement characterizing the allegations as “disturbing.”

Yet, at the same time, they announced that Brown would remain as a PC MPP and may still be a candidate for the PC Party in the next election.

Jones’ and Clark’s political judgment is appalling. Thankfully the decision is not theirs to make.

As Leader, Patrick Brown removed MPP Jack MacLaren from the PC Caucus for behaviour that was not even remotely as repugnant as the allegations levelled against Brown.

In order for the Ontario PC Party to move forward, united, Brown must be removed from the PC Caucus immediately and not be permitted to run in the next election.

Furthermore, under the legally binding terms of the PC Constitution, it is the PC Executive’s obligation to call a leadership vote that must be held within the next 24 months and where every PC member has the ability to vote. Prior to this, the Caucus of PC MPPs will select an interim leader.

It is incumbent that the PC Executive determines whether the leadership vote will occur before or after the next election, and publicly announce this before the PC Caucus elects an interim leader. The PC Caucus needs to be able to make a fully informed decision on who the interim leader will be and that includes knowing whether the individual will be leading the PC Party into the next election or not.

And current PC Party president Rick Dykstra, should not be included in this decision-making process.

For over two years, Dykstra has colluded with Brown in corrupting the governance of the PC constitution. And in 2015, Dykstra himself was accused of buying alcohol for underage girls while serving as a Federal Member of Parliament in Ottawa.

Rick Dykstra must also resign as PC President, effective immediately.

For the good of the Ontario PC Party, it is imperative that immediate and significant steps be taken to move forward from this dark period in our party’s history.

Jim Karahalios

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