By Samantha Stovel
THUNDER BAY – LIVING – While we would have liked to have cockroach clusters and chocolate frogs for breakfast, we started the morning off with some tasty do-it-yourself breakfast sandwiches instead. After breakfast, we headed off to Mario’s Bowl for some exciting bowling and delicious pizza for lunch.
After lunch, we made our way over to the Canada Games Complex for a splash in the water. The campers and volunteers enjoyed swimming, using the waterslide, flipping off the diving boards and just relaxing in the hot tubs and saunas. It’s always interesting to see how much braver the campers are than their older companions when it comes to heights. Afterwards, everyone took advantage of the complex’s showers to prepare for our next stop on the Hogwarts Express.
We stopped at Merla Mae for an ice cream before heading back to Hogwarts. On the ride home, many of volunteers fell asleep to rest up for the remainder of activities for the day. Once we arrived back on site, everyone enjoyed some free time before dinner.
Daytona’s Kitchen & Creative Catering prepared a delicious meal of chicken and ribs with serving assistance from the Kiwanis Club of Centennial Thunder Bay. Everyone left with full tummies and big smiles. Thank you so much for such a delicious treat!

After supper, the Thunder Bay Harley Owners Group joined us at camp to take all of our campers and some lucky volunteers on the much anticipated and beloved annual motorcycle ride. The campers were so happy with the adventure the drivers took them on. To conclude their visit, the Thunder Bay Harley Owners Group presented Camp Quality with a $500 donation and each camper with their own hand-picked Harley Davidson t-shirt.
To wrap up a busy and enjoyable day, our campers joined together in the ‘Great Hall’ to learn some magic spells from the film, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Campers and volunteers brought out their wands to try out the spells being displayed in the movie. Check back tomorrow to see what kind of magical potion these students will be experimenting with next.

This is the sixth year that NetNewsLedger.com have hosted the Camp Quality Northwest blog. NetNewsLedger is pleased to support the work of Camp Quality, and the ongoing battle to beat cancer. On a personal note, cancer has taken both of my grandparents, it tried to take my mom. There are few people in Northwestern Ontario who are not impacted by cancer.
When cancer takes on children, it is time for us all to rally to help them.