THUNDER BAY – It should go without saying. However every holiday season there are still drivers who seem to feel that it is acceptable to get behind the wheel of their vehicle and drive after consuming alcohol.
Celebrating the holidays, and ringing in the New Year means keeping your friends, family and business associates safe. It is very easy to celebrate safely this holiday season by driving alert and sober, or planning for a safe ride home.
In Thunder Bay there are many options. A designated driver who will get everyone home safe is one. Further, Operation Red Now, Drive Smart, taxi cabs, or chartering a Kasper Mini-Bus for your holiday excursion can ensure everyone gets home safe.
The cost, compared to the alternatives is a lot less. The Ontario Government has some of the toughest distracted and impaired driving laws in Canada. According to the Office of the Chief Coroner, 39 per cent of drivers killed on Ontario’s roads in 2013 had either drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol in their system.
Years of education on the dangers of drinking and driving often seem to have fallen on deaf ears in too many cases.
“Even one impaired or distracted driver on our roads is one too many. Impaired or distracted driving is completely unacceptable and I urge everyone to find safe alternate ways to get home this holiday season. Appoint a designated driver, take public transit, call a cab or stay overnight and please call 911 if you suspect an impaired driver is on our roads,” says Steven Del Duca, Minister of Transportation.
Everyone can do more to help keep Ontario’s roads safe. Even small amounts of alcohol, illegal drugs, and some prescription and over-the-counter medications can impair your judgement. The safest choice when driving is not to drink at all.
As you celebrate with your family and friends this holiday season, remember to never put yourself and others at risk by getting behind the wheel while you are impaired. When you are driving, put down the phone and focus on the road.