THUNDER BAY – Roads – Make sure your vehicle is parked on the correct side of the road. Through the winter months, that will ensure snow clearing can be done most efficiently, and you won’t come out to find a ticket on your vehicle windshield.
Due to weather conditions, city-wide calendar parking restrictions are coming into effect starting today.
“The implementation of calendar parking restrictions for this winter is based on recent snowfall, as well as the forecast, which is calling for more snow,” said James Coady, Manager – Licensing and Enforcement. “Motorists are asked to obey posted calendar parking signs, and allow our crews to remove snow from City roadways more efficiently.”
Calendar parking applies to residential streets, and the restrictions are in effect from 9 am – 5 pm daily. Calendar parking allows for more-effective clearing of streets by requiring motorists to park on alternating sides of City roads on even and odd calendar days. Posted signs indicate which side of streets that vehicles may not park on during even or odd days.
Under the By-law, the start and end dates of calendar parking are based on weather conditions in November and March. Unless waived early by the Parking Authority in consultation with the General Manager of Infrastructure & Operations, calendar parking restrictions will be enforced until March 31, 2017.
Priority routes are also being implemented for the winter. No parking is allowed on affected roads between 2 am – 7 am each day. The restrictions ensure streets designated as priority routes for use by service and emergency vehicles can be properly maintained during the winter months.
All priority routes are identified by posted parking signs, and will remain in effect until April 30.