A big part of those visits were holding constituency clinics. The clinics give me the best opportunity to speak with people and organizations about the issues that matter the most to them. The subjects varied from immigration to seniors care, tax issues, infrastructure funding, the economy, the environment, and much more.
Of course one of the big events I held this summer was the Experimental Lakes Area funding announcement in the middle of August. I was happy to announce a $1.7 million dollar investment by the federal government into the crucial research facility alongside Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister, two provincial ministers, and Manitoba Liberal MP Terry Duguid. That announcement followed on the heels of our government’s commitment of $5.5 million to undertake scientific studies to protect the health of our waters in the Lake of the Woods.
Summer also offers the perfect opportunity to travel by plane to the northern First Nation communities. This summer I visited Fort Severn, Bearskin Lake, Poplar Hill, North Caribou, Deer Lake, Slate Falls, Mishkeegogamang and Sandy Lake. I was also able to visit with many of the local First Nations.
Like any northerner I’m sad to see the summer come to a close. But, I’m looking forward to returning to Ottawa as your voice from the north. It’s clear that we need to make further strides when it comes to the economy and health care. Now that I have heard from you that those two topics are very important, they will continue to be a big part of my agenda moving forward.
Bob Naults MP