SASKATOON, SK – NEWS – Stanley Barkman from Sachigo Lake First Nation, ON is walking 2080 kilometers from Sioux Lookout, ON to Fort McMurray, AB to raise awareness and funds for those affected by the Fort McMurray devastating wildfire. On May 9th 2016 Stanley started his journey and was joined shortly thereafter by David Barkman. They will be arriving in Saskatoon, SK Thursday June 2nd 2016.
A Meet and Greet event has been organized for Thursday June 2nd 2016 from 6:30pm to 8pm at the Saskatoon Evangelical Free Church located at 3102 Laurier Drive in Saskatoon. It is open to the general public and media.
Stanley says that he is determined to do this walk “To help rebuild Fort McMurray and surrounding communities”. If he can help even one or two families or even rebuild a hospital, then this journey will be worth it. Stanley states that “No one deserves to lose their home, neighborhood or even their town from this devastating wild fire.”
Over the course of their journey, the outpouring of love and support has been unbelievable. People are stopping to wish him well, others are offering new running shoes, accommodations, food, drinks and many making donations in person. Many people from Fort McMurray who are making their way back to Ontario have also stopped to thank him.
On Friday May 13th, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau contacted Stanley through a FaceTime call as a sign of support and to acknowledge what he is doing to help Fort McMurray.
The success of the journey is dependent entirely upon financial support or corporations, organizations and private sponsors. Stanley said “We have been fortunate during the walk to have support from so many people, organizations and thanks to our sponsors North Star Air, Uniform Pros, Impact Promotions and NetNewsLedger for helping to make this possible”
His Facebook group has gone viral with over 21,000 members since he started this journey and with tens of thousands post likes, shares and comments. Stanley has let members know that he is humbled by the engagement and apologizes that he can’t reply to all the comments and messages due to the volume although he wishes he could.
You can follow and support his journey by joining his Facebook group Walking for Fort McMurray
Walking with Stanley is his cousin David Barkman and his father Robert and Barb are providing support services along this journey.
Meet Stanley Barkman
How to Donate:
- Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/Walk4FortMcMurray
- CIBC Bank Deposit. We’d like to thank you for your bank deposit so please email us at WalkingForFortMcMurray@gmail.com with your name and donation amount so we can officially thank you for your donation.
Transit # – 00387
Account # – 5459435
Name of Account Holder: L. Barkman-
- E-money transfer to barkmanr@yahoo.ca – make the password – walking
- Donate to Stanley directly along his journey.
- Online Shirt Purchase – a percentage of proceeds of sales go to Walking for Fort McMurray. Buy online at uniformpros.ca