Sioux Lookout Mayor Welcomes Ontario Efforts
SIOUX LOOKOUT – “The Municipality of Sioux Lookout applauds the two recent announcements by the Province of Ontario related to funding for First Nations issues. Ontario’s First Nations Health Action Plan and Ontario’s Commitment to Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples show Provincial recognition of the serious issues facing indigenous people in Ontario and an on-going commitment to improve the situation,” commented Sioux Lookout Mayor Doug Lawrence.
“Sioux Lookout is the municipal service centre for northern First Nations,” continued Lawrence. “The Municipality sits like a bridge between First Nations and the Federal responsibility to the north and the Provincial responsibilities to the south. For many years we have recognized the needs of the First Nations and we have been supportive of their efforts for positive change for Indigenous people living both in the First Nation communities and in urban communities such as Sioux Lookout. The Municipality looks forward to a continuing role as service gaps are closed and the quality of life for indigenous people is improved.”

“The Municipality has been watching, with interest, the developments at the provincial level with respect to the Government of Ontario’s initiatives to support indigenous peoples,” added the Mayor.

“On May 25th, the Government of Ontario announced close to $222 million over the next three years to ensure Indigenous people have access to more culturally appropriate care and improved outcomes, focusing on the North where there are significant gaps in health services. On May 30th, Premier Kathleen Wynne issued her Statement of Ontario’s Commitment to Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples at Queen’s Park. Tied to the Statement of Commitment to Reconciliation is over $250 million over the next three years on programs and actions focused on reconciliation”.

“Sioux Lookout is poised to continue to play a pivotal role in relationship-building and service provision with and for our Northern neighbours,” concluded Lawrence.