THUNDER BAY – LIVING – The John Howard Society of Thunder Bay & District is a community-based criminal justice organization that provides many different programs to individuals in need of assistance and support. They operate a Rehabilitative Residential Program with 9 units for women and 39 units for men, which 200 individuals per year access.
In this program, individuals are provided with a safe place to live while they address the problems and risk factors that may have contributed to their involvement in the criminal justice system.
Clients participate in individual and group programs that are tailored to address their specific needs. Staff deliver life skills, anger management and recreational programming, and provide consistent, case management.
This programming provides a therapeutic and healthy environment for clients to work on making meaning life change. Those life changes in turn foster genuinely safer communities in Thunder Bay & District.
Each year, John Howard Society hosts The Howard Ball: A Night of Masquerade and Mystery, a black-tie-and-mask fundraising gala in support of our rehabilitative residential programs and The United Way.
This year, the Howard Ball, presented by Lakehead Motors, will be on November 5, 2016 at 6 pm in the Valhalla Inn Ballroom.

The ball features exciting entertainment, an elegant and delicious four course meal, a silent auction full of fabulous gifts and services, opportunities to win prizes, and a dance floor and DJ to get your feet moving.
Tickets are on sale now are $80 each or $750 for a table of 10. The first 20 people to purchase a table will also get a free one-night, one room stay at the Valhalla Inn the night of the ball.
Tickets can be purchased by phone at (807) 623-555 ex. 507; in person at the John Howard office, 315 Syndicate Ave. S. (cash, cheque or credit), Habitat for Humanity, 660 Squier St. (cash), and Lakehead Motors, 951 Memorial Ave. (cash); or online at howardball2016.eventbrite.ca (credit, processing fee applies).