OTTAWA – The National Indian Brotherhood (NIB) Trust Fund are seeking applications to support education programs aimed at healing and reconciliation. Applications will be accepted from First Nation and Metis individuals, governments and organizations with preference for former students of Indian Residential schools.
“Funds through the National Indian Brotherhood Trust are being made available at a time when there is unprecedented attention on the need for reconciliation in our country,” said Chair of the National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund, Phil Fontaine, who was instrumental in achieving the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement of 2007 during his time as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations.
“The progress we’ve made individually and collectively has not been quick or easy, but it is essential and we are moving forward on this path together as a country – to achieve justice and opportunity for survivors and their families and to achieve true reconciliation to benefit all of Canada,” said NIB Trust Fund Chair Phil Fontaine. “This is an opportunity for survivors, their families, and all Canadians to learn from our shared experience, our shared history.”
For the purpose of the NIB Trust Fund, education programs are those provided by education institutions, cultural centres, organizations, communities and individuals/groups, whether short or long-term, informal or formal or certified or non-certified. Successful applications will use the funds for educational expenses such as tuition, transportation, accommodations, meals, books, computer equipment and program supplies and traditional education including Elders’ fees, guide fees, equipment, supplies, travel, fuel; and research.
“Healing and reconciliation is about looking forward just as much as it’s about looking back,” said NIB Trust Fund Vice-Chair Jaime Battiste. “Our goal with the NIB Trust Fund is to ensure current and future generations benefit now and for years to come.”
The maximum benefit to an individual applicant is $20,000, and the maximum benefit for a group, organization or institution is $200,000. The NIB Trust Fund expects to approve applications to a total of up to $5 million before April 1, 2016. Applications for groups, organizations and institutions are available now and individual applications will be available Spring 2016.
The funds have been made available from a surplus of the compensation allocated for former students of Indian residential schools, consistent with the terms of the 2007 Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement. The funds are no longer tied to previous compensation packages, including Common Experience Payments, Independent Assessment Payments and Personal Education Credits. The funds will be held in Trust for beneficiaries to access by application. The deadline for the first round of applications is January 15, 2016.