Finding Your Purpose – Aaron Paquette

aaron paquette lightfinder

aaron paquette lightfinderEDMONTON – For All My Relations

Always give before you take.

It could be a gift, the tobacco, a prayer, a song, whatever you have. Give first before receiving.

Always be kind.

You never know the journey someone else has had to take, and they don’t know yours. We all have burdens. If we are kind we lighten all our loads.

Always be in prayer.

Thank the Creator for your life and for all life on this beautiful Mother Earth. Our time is short, but we can make our mark last forever.

Always live in your purpose.

If you don’t know what it is, then serve. Serve others and your purpose will find you. But serve as a warrior, not as a slave. Serve to strengthen others through your example, do not weaken them by doing everything for them.

Always honour the hoop.

We live together, we die together, we laugh together and we cry together. No one is higher, no one is lower.

Always speak in your true voice.

There is strength in you the world has never seen. Show your strength. Build it. Use it to create peace and as a blessing to those around you.

Always drink clean water

Water is Mother Earth’s milk. Drink deeply many times a day and clean your body.

Always exercise your body.

You have been given a vessel to house your spirit. Treat it with the deepest respect and give it the gift of health, stamina, and endurance.

Always sleep deeply.

Sleep long and sleep deep, for it is in your dreams inspiration comes. Give the Creator ample time to speak to you.

Always, always love yourself.

If you will find one good thing about yourself and another and another, you will learn to fulfill your purpose. And when you love yourself, you will know how to honestly love another.

Hiy hiy.

Aaron Paquette

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Aaron Paquette
Aaron Paquette is one of Canadaʼs premiere First Nations artists known for his bright colours, strong lines and for sharing new ways of looking at age-old experiences and beliefs. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Aaron has been creating art for the past 20 years. He apprenticed and has become both a Cathedral Stained Glass artist and a Goldsmith, influences of which can be seen in the line and structure of his paintings – displayed in various galleries throughout the country. Aaron is also an experienced facilitator, trainer and engaging public speaker. He has worked with the Royal Conservatory’s adjunct program -Learning Through the Arts- as both a Mentor Artist and as the First Nations Representative and Consultant in Alberta. This experience focused on providing the skills and background knowledge for infusing differentiated learning within the general curriculum in Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Aaron has collaborated with Ministries, Teachers’ Associations, and various community members and teachers, providing region wide teacher workshops and in- school experiences related to the art curriculum that also provide an FNMI perspective. Through this collaboration, he also provides student workshops, professional development sessions and artist-in- residence programs. A skilled communicator, Aaron has worked with Alberta Education in reconciliation, specifically between communities and school administration. He has worked for years with the Edmonton Public School Board with both in-class sessions and special sessions for promising young artists. The Catholic School Boards in the Central and Northern Alberta region have also enlisted Aaron in many projects ranging from elementary school visits that tie art into curricular learning to mural painting with High School students.