THUNDER BAY – Business Development Bank of Canada’s Thunder Bay Business Centre Manager John Guarasci opens Small Business Week in Thunder Bay. There is lots going on that the City of Thunder Bay, the Community Economic Development Commission, Thunder Bay Ventures, the PARO Centre, Confederation College, Lakehead University SHIFT Network, and Nishnawbe-Aski Development Fund have planned for the week.
“Small business is the economic driver of our economy,” stated John Guarasci.
Thunder Bay and Northwesterrn Ontario is a growing hotbed for entrepreneurs and for small business.
“The Thunder Bay and District Entrepreneur Centre (EC) is committed to assisting local entrepreneurs,” stated Stacey Kean, Development Officer at the EC.
Doug Murray, the CEO at the Community Economic Development Commission states, “Entrepreneurship is a viable career choice in Thunder Bay. City Council and the City of Thunder Bay are strong supporters of youth entrepreneurship development. We are pleased to support BDC Small Business Week.”
There are lots of events planned during Small Business Week. Visit for more information.