Andrew Foulds – Running for Stronger and More Prosperous Region

Andrew Foulds, TBSN, Tom Mulcair NDP Leader, John Rafferty MP TBRR
Andrew Foulds, TBSN, Tom Mulcair NDP Leader, John Rafferty MP TBRR

Andrew Foulds, TBSN, Tom Mulcair NDP Leader, John Rafferty MP TBRR
Andrew Foulds, TBSN, Tom Mulcair NDP Leader, John Rafferty MP TBRR
THUNDER BAY – Election 2015 – I am running in this election because I want a stronger and more prosperous Northwestern Ontario.  For nine years I have worked hard alongside constituents, community groups, fellow councillors and administrators to try to make Thunder Bay a better place. Now I’m ready to take that fight to Ottawa.

As I talk to people on their doorsteps and in their communities, it’s clear that the majority of people in Thunder Bay-Superior North want to defeat Stephen Harper. Here’s why I think the NDP is the best bet to do just that.

The NDP’s Northern Platform is bold, balanced and sustainable. Our plan to build a stronger region starts with creating good jobs by investing $1 billion in strategic infrastructure to unlock the Ring of Fire. We’ll also make FedNor an independent agency, support manufacturing jobs like Bombardier here in Thunder Bay, and invest $100 million in clean energy development and $105 million over three years in forestry innovation.

The NDP will establish a respectful Nation to Nation relationship with First Nations so that in partnership we can develop our region. We’re also committed to calling an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women within 100 days of taking office and implementing recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

I want a Northwestern Ontario where no one gets left behind – not one. That means introducing a universal drug plan to make prescription drugs more affordable and working with the provinces to hire more doctors and nurses. We’ll restore the retirement age from 67 to 65 and lift seniors out of poverty by boosting the Guaranteed Income Supplement. And we’ll create opportunities for youth like apprenticeships and paid internships, and make post-secondary education more affordable.

I’m proud to stand with Tom Mulcair and the NDP as we follow in the footsteps of Jack Layton and his legacy of hope and optimism. With only a handful more seats, the NDP can defeat Stephen Harper and his politics of fear and division.

I want to build on the strength of Northwestern Ontario’s resources and its people – and I’m ready to fight for the North in Ottawa. On October 19th, I ask for your support.


Andrew Foulds
NDP Candidate – Thunder Bay Superior North

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