SummerSlam Brings Controversy to WWE® Universe
BROOKLYN – WRESTLING – SummerSlam was a huge success. The WWE© event brought fans to the edges of their seats. But former Daily Show Host John Stewart continued his wrestling engagement. One night after Jon Stewart cost John Cena the United States Championship at SummerSlam, the former Daily Show host explained his actions to the Cenation leader face to face, but his explanation didn’t save him from an Attitude Adjustment, live on Raw.
Attitude Adjustment for Jon Stewart

Stewart had promised Cena before the match that he would have his back. That led to a classic turn as Stewart used a chair to buckle the Cenanation superstar and cost him the United States Championship to Seth Rollins.
The big match between the Undertaker and Brock Lesnar brought just as much controversy, almost. Lesnar did what no one thought possible, the Beast made the Undertaker tap out.
The only one in the house who missed the historic tap-out was probably the only one who should have caught it, the referee. What happened next was equally shocking, The Undertaker took out Brock Lesnar and claimed the victory.
SummerSlam has set up some coming classic grudge matches that WWE® fans will be clamouring for over the next months.