THUNDER BAY – A group of concerned people from Toronto are seeking to make a difference in Mishkeegogaming First Nation. This week, the group, based out of York University made a second trip into the Northwestern Ontario community to share tools, furniture, winter clothing and other items gathered in Toronto.
The trip left Toronto and made it to the community earlier this week. The team stopped by the NetNewsLedger newsroom in Thunder Bay to share a little about the goals and efforts to bring this project forward.
Carl shares Information on Furniture Drive
Carl and Gary sat down the NNL to talk about the trip, and what is needed in Mishkeegogaming First Nation and other Northern Ontario communities.
Gary from Mishkeegogaming Shares the Issues
The people of Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation live in northwestern Ontario, around the area where the Albany River meets Lake St. Joseph. Today, just over 900 people live on its two reserves, while about 500 live off the reserve, either on Crown Land or in other communities.