THUNDER BAY – BUSINESS – There is a new feel to May Street South lately. Norma Jeans is operating seven days a week. The streets are cleaned up from a winter’s worth of grime and gravel. There is also a jolt of energy coming as “The Hub” opens up on South May.
Lori Paras promises that “The Hub” will be a place with variety and excitement, everything from live music, buskers, to Diesel Coffee, and antiques. It is a different look for the Fort William Business District.
NetNewsLedger got an inside look today, the official opening is this weekend, with regular hours from Thursday – Saturday 11-7 and Sundays 11-4 – Yes Sunday, a place in downtown Fort William that is open on a Sunday!
You can stop for lunch at Norma Jeans and head over to “The Hub” for some exploring.

Lori shares, “Please join us this Thursday, May 28 from 4 pm – 7 pm for an Open House at The Hub Bazaar. We are located at 111 May St South. All our vendors will be there to share their time, energy and good ideas for building a strong downtown business district.”
“A Posse Ad Esse” which means “From a Possibility to an Actuality” is the term used by Fort William officials to describe their dream to build a strong and vibrant downtown. We use their phrase with hope and respect.