Car Heaven and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation Team Up

Recycling older vehicles drives world-class healthcare across Northwestern Ontario
Recycling older vehicles drives world-class healthcare across Northwestern Ontario
   Recycling older vehicles drives world-class healthcare across Northwestern Ontario

Recycling older vehicles drives world-class healthcare across Northwestern Ontario

Recycling older vehicles drives world-class healthcare across Northwestern Ontario

THUNDER BAY – HEALTH – Starting today, there is a new way to donate to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation.

Through a program called Car Heaven, people can donate an older vehicle for recycling through Thunder Bay Auto Parts or Buck’s Auto Parts, both of whom are certified to the Auto Recyclers of Canada environmental code of practice.

Donors will receive a tax receipt (minimum $100) for the value of their donated vehicle’s recycled parts and scrap metal.

The value of the recycled vehicle is then donated directly to the Health Sciences Foundation to support world-class equipment, programs and services at the Health Sciences Centre to improve patient care in Thunder Bay and across Northwestern Ontario. 100% of the proceeds stay in Northwestern Ontario.

Donating a vehicle to the Health Sciences Foundation through Car Heaven is easy:

  1. Visit online or call Car Heaven at 1-877-755-6272.
  2. Send proof of ownership to Car Heaven.
  3. The vehicle is picked up by an approved Auto Recycler in 2-5 business days at no cost to the donor.
  4. The donor receives a charitable tax receipt for the value of their vehicle’s recycled parts and scrap metal. (minimum of $100)

Donations will support all areas of care within the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, such as the regional cancer and renal treatment programs, cardiac, paediatrics, trauma, neurosurgery, tbaytel Tamarack House home-away-from-home for regional cancer patients, and many others.

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre


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