THUNDER BAY – Talks between the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation and the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association have ended. That breakdown in talks could lead to a potential teachers strike across a number of school boards in Ontario. The only board that has received the mandatory five day notice right now is the Durham School Board.
“The last thing our teachers want is to be outside of their classrooms”, stated Paul Elliott, President of OSSTF/FEESO. “But we’ve been left no choice. An impasse at the central table pushes us closer to additional strike action at boards across the province. These matters must be taken seriously and we’ve seen no indication the government has any bargaining intent other than to demonstrate to other public sector unions that they’ve been tough with teachers. Teachers cannot tolerate any further cuts which will decrease their ability to provide the support required for all Ontario students to succeed.”
The teachers federation says that the average teacher is working about 56 hours a week, and that the Ontario Government is offering basically a nothing offer, with no added pay or benefits for teachers.