“The Council supports the grieving families and loved ones affected by this unspeakable loss. We mourn their loss along with the entire community today,” said Chief Shecapio.
The Sûreté du Québec are investigating to determine what caused the fire. The Council and the authorities are working together to support the SQ in its efforts. The investigation could take several days given the remote location of the camp and the poor weather.
A helicopter from the SQ was dispatched to the site of the fire today, and it was then that the bodies were discovered in the charred remains.
“It’s crucial to determine the cause of the fire as quickly as possible to help the families in the healing process. We are in ongoing contact with the Department of the Eeyou Eenou Police Force (EEPF) and the SQ investigators and are cooperating fully to determine the circumstances surrounding the death of five members of our community. We will keep the community informed via CINI-FM radio and the Council’s Facebook page,” explained Chief Shecapio.
The Cree Health Board and Community Wellness have made several professionals available to provide direct support to the community.
NDP MP Charlie Angus stated, “New Democrats are crying today for the loss of five young men from Mistissini who burned to death while on the land. My colleague Romeo Saganash gave such a beautiful tribute. In the often nasty and rambunctious House of Commons you could have heard a pin drop when he spoke. Go to the angels young hunters. May the Great spirit comfort your families at this time”.