THUNDER BAY – ANISHINSBEK – The Lakehead University Native Students Association – LUNSA – are getting set for the annual Pow Wow.
Putting the 27th Annual Pow Wow together takes a year of planning and work.
For the fourth year, NetNewsLedger will be carrying the LUNSA Pow Wow Live.
The Pow Wow Committee has been working hard to put this annual event that celebrates the end of the school year at Lakehead University.
Get Involved as a Volunteer at LUNSA Pow Wow
Volunteers are needed for the 27th Annual LUNSA powwow being held Friday, March 20 to Sunday, March 22. Volunteers would have the option of volunteering on either or both days, Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22. A volunteer meeting will be held on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 6 PM. @ the CJ Sanders Fieldhouse.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact Jonah Wesley at jwesley@lakeheadu.ca or ACSS at 807-343-8085.
BANNOCK MAKERS WANTED ~ LUNSA is looking for individuals who are available to make bannock for the powwow feast being held Saturday, March 21st at 5pm; supplies and honourarium will be given. Please contact Stephanie Seymour at sseymou1@lakeheadu.ca or 807-708-4746.
TRADITIONAL FOODS ~ LUNSA is seeking donations of traditional food for the powwow feast. ALL types of food such as moose, deer, caribou, fish, rabbit, etc. we would be grateful for any traditional food contribution that you could offer. Please email Ryan Saarinen at rsaarine@lakeheadu.ca or call ACSS 807-343-8085.