THUNDER BAY – With warmer weather, Thunder Bay Roads Division Manager Brad Adams advises, “Today’s forecast is calling for plus 3 to plus 5 temperatures, with a chance of rain, these conditions will soften the snow packed surface in residential areas and cause water to pond on the roadway surface”.
“In order to prevent water from sitting on the road and freezing when the temperature drops, the Roads Division will be out today and tomorrow cleaning residential areas. The focus will be on cleaning areas where there is a buildup of snow along the gutter and shoulder areas to allow water to get off the roadway, as well as the removal of any loose snow buildup on the road surface”.
Adams adds, “In addition, sidewalk plow will be out cleaning sidewalks to remove softened snow from the sidewalk surface in order to re-establish a firm snow pack surface”.
The Roads Division will not be removing snow from driveways as all resources will be utilized dealing with the softened snow pack conditions.
Work started on Friday at 8AM with the majority of roadways being dealt with today, there will minor clean up tomorrow, as per calendar parking restrictions.