Confederation College Raises $54,000 for the United Way and Emergency Student Food Bank.

Michael Nitz (United Way Campaign Chair and Leaders of the Way Committee Member), Santa Claus, Thomas McDonald (Wellness & Diversity, SUCCI) and Dana Levanto (Manager, Fundraising and Alumni, Confederation College).
Michael Nitz (United Way Campaign Chair and Leaders of the Way Committee Member), Santa Claus, Thomas McDonald (Wellness & Diversity, SUCCI) and Dana Levanto (Manager, Fundraising and Alumni, Confederation College).
Michael Nitz (United Way Campaign Chair and Leaders of the Way Committee Member), Santa Claus, Thomas McDonald (Wellness & Diversity, SUCCI) and Dana Levanto (Manager, Fundraising and Alumni, Confederation College).
Michael Nitz (United Way Campaign Chair and Leaders of the Way Committee Member), Santa Claus, Thomas McDonald (Wellness & Diversity, SUCCI) and Dana Levanto (Manager, Fundraising and Alumni, Confederation College).

THUNDER BAY – Through donations, product sales and department competitions, the students and employees at Confederation College have raised $54,490 in support of the United Way and “Stock the Bank”, an internal campaign in support of the emergency student food bank at the College.

“We are so grateful for the continued support that Confederation College provides for our community through their United Way employee campaign,” said Michael Nitz, United Way Campaign Chair and Leaders of the Way Committee Member. “Their donations have a significant impact for those who access the programs and services of our agencies. Thank you to the Confederation College team for organizing another successful campaign.”

The United Way provides financial support to 29 local agencies making it possible for them to offer 63 diverse human service programs to members of the community. Altogether, $42,348 was raised to contribute to this important cause.

The total amount raised includes $17,903, the highest amount yet, for “Stock the Bank” in support of the College’s emergency student food bank. Employees and students also collected a record 5,930 of food bank items. Last year alone, over 200 students accessed the food bank.

“I am amazed by the contributions of our College community,” said Chris Cartwright, President of the Student Union (SUCCI). “Students have extremely tight budgets and, in emergency situations, require the assistance of our food bank. Unfortunately this is a reality for some. It is incredible to see the compassion and generosity from our College employees and community.”

“The College community understands the need for these supports for the students and residents in Thunder Bay, making it an easy decision to get involved” said Jim Madder, President of Confederation College. “We are pleased to be doing our part for such a worthy charity as the United Way and, together with the Student Union, to be helping our students who are so important to us.”

Money was raised through the Marketing students’ upcycled-product sales and Christmas Chaos carnival-style event.  Employee donations of an hour’s pay and a friendly fundraising/food collection competition between departments also played an important role in the final numbers. This year’s winning departments, which are each allotted $150 to give to their charity of choice, include:

  • Large Team Category: Registration, Admissions, Financial Aid, The Hub and Communications, which donated their prize to the Thunder Bay & District Humane Society,
  • Small Team Category: Paterson Library Commons, International and Teaching & Learning Centre, which donated their prize to the Outreach Program through The Children’s Aid Society, and
  • Academic Category: School of Aviation & School of Engineering Technology, which donated their prize to Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario.
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