Fort William First Nation has started a petition to attempt to push CN Rail to get the bridge open.

The Petition reads; “For over one year Fort William First Nation and the City of Thunder Bay have been without vehicular access to the James Street Swing bridge since it was closed to due fire damage. Fort William First Nation believes that no further delay in taking action to reopen the bridge can be justified.
“CN needs to be reminded that they are in breach of the 1906 agreement with the City of Thunder Bay which outlines maintaining the bridge in perpetuity.
“The safety impacts with the closure continue to escalate with winter now upon us including:
-Increased amount of accidents occurring along this congested roadway.
– Approximately 250 FWFN children are bused along much longer and unsafe routes to and from school daily.
-Emergency response times have increased dramatically. It is unacceptable that anyone who requires medical intervention, for their care to be jeopardized.
-The negative economic impact to both the City of Thunder Bay and Fort William First Nation has been strongly felt.
“Please come together to assist us in showing the executives of CN including their shareholders and all levels of government that this continued closure must end!”
The bridge closure has cost businesses on Fort William First Nation and in Westfort in Thunder Bay thousands of dollars. Accidents on Highway 61 have left Fort William First Nation cut off from the City of Thunder Bay and put residents on the First Nation at risk.
For Thunder Bay there has also been an impact at Chippewa Park as fewer people want to make the longer trip to the park.
To sign the Petition visit: Petition to Re-Open the James Street Bridge.