CBC President and CEO on Jian Ghomeshi

CBC President and CEO speaks out on Jian Ghomeshi
Jian Ghomeshi continues to face a major fallout over his actions.

CBC President and CEO speaks out on Jian Ghomeshi
CBC President and CEO speaks out on Jian Ghomeshi
OTTAWA – LETTERS – I’m not sure where to begin. Like you, the unfolding allegations of the past week have left me in shock, sadness, and some anger.

As you have no doubt heard, since CBC fired radio host Jian Ghomeshi on Sunday, his lawyers have commenced legal proceedings against us. That limits what we have been able to say about the circumstances of his firing, but we will defend our action. In the meantime, there are a few things that are important for me to address.

I have always been proud of the way we at CBC/Radio-Canada represent Canadian values; the way our airwaves are a platform for the promotion of equal rights, multiculturalism, and respect. We have worked hard to cement those values in the way we operate as an organization, and the way we treat each other. As I told a parliamentary committee last year, we have a robust system of training and policy in place to try to create a safe work environment, and to investigate and respond appropriately if incidents occur. This case raises concerns that our systems have not been enough, and that upsets us deeply.

I empathize with those who have felt powerless to speak out, or who have tried to speak out and felt ignored. As the father of two young daughters, I share your frustration.

As you may have heard, we continue to look into allegations of improprieties in the workplace. We will also bring in an outside company with the specific expertise to conduct an independent investigation. We expect that the investigation will allow us to identify improvements that may be necessary to existing systems and assure a healthy work environment. The Executive Vice-President of CBC, Heather Conway, shares my commitment and determination on this. Once the investigation has concluded, we will share the recommendations regarding any improvements to our policies and procedures with our Board, our employees and with Canadians.

We are very concerned by the additional allegations that have emerged in the media since October 26, and about the impact of these events on our employees and on all Canadians.  We are committed to ensuring a workplace that is free from all forms of violence and harassment.

CBC/Radio-Canada’s values are those of Canadians.  We will live up to those values.

Hubert T. Lacroix
President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada

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