Take Back The Night Thunder Bay

Take Back The Night

Take Back The Night
THUNDER BAY – TAKE BACK THE NIGHT organized by Lakehead University Student Union’s Gender Issues Centre will be on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at the Agora of Lakehead University. This international grassroots movement raises awareness about the systemic issue of violence against women.

Let us come together as a community; make a statement to end violence against women.

Everyone is invited to this evening of reflection, unity, and community building. Let us keep working at addressing all forms of violence against women and violence in our community.
Inequality and gender-based violence continues to exist: women aged 18 to 24 experience the highest rates of sexual violence in Canada (cfsontario.ca) and there is a call for a National Inquiry for missing and murdered Indigenous women.

Let’s support each other in our own experiences past and present.

Speakers will include: Jayal Chung, Gender Issues Centre; Sherrie-Lee Chiarot. MA Sociology student, specialization in Women’s Studies; Taslim Alani PhD student, Clinical Psychology; Dr. Lori Chambers, Department of Women’s Studies; Karen Slomke, MSW, Children’s Centre & more speakers to be announced.

Visual displays include: Information from community organizations, Faceless Dolls Project (Aboriginal Awareness Centre), The Clothesline Project, Carrying the Weight Together. Women-identified people will march at approximately 8pm, while a men’s discussion group will take place. After the march, we will all re-unite in the Agora for a community photo.


Jayal Chung

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