OTTAWA – ANISHINABEK – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Ghislain Picard has issued the following statement on the re-election of Derek Nepinak (Pine Creek First Nation) as Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs:
“On behalf of the Assembly of First Nations, I want to offer our sincere congratulations to Grand Chief Derek Nepinak – Niibin Makwa – on his re-election as Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. Grand Chief Nepinak is a strong voice for First Nations in his region and a respected and principled advocate for First Nations rights and Treaties across the country. This re-election comes at a time when First Nations are strengthening and revitalizing our nationhood and identity and we know that Grand Chief Nepinak will play an important role in our efforts to ensure that Canada honours and implements our Treaties, our rights, our jurisdiction and our title. He is a dedicated leader who believes in fighting for justice and stronger, healthier First Nations citizens and communities.
“We want to also acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the other candidates who ran for Grand Chief, Sagkeeng Chief Donavan Fontaine and former Black River Chief Sheldon Kent. We look forward to working with the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and Grand Chief Nepinak now and in the future.”
Grand Chief Nepinak was re-elected last week at Swan Lake First Nation’s urban reserve in Headingley, Manitoba.