NAN – We have Worked with the City
THUNDER BAY – NEWS – Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Harvey Yesno, on behalf of the Executive Council, has issued the following statement following comments by City of Thunder Bay Mayor Keith Hobbs in a recent media report regarding acts of violence within the City:“We were very disappointed with the incorrect and inflammatory statements made by Mayor Hobbs with respect to acts of violence within the City, including his insinuation that we are unwilling to address this very serious issue. As a strong corporate citizen NAN is concerned for the safety and security of all residents, regardless of ethnicity. Where possible, we have worked with the City and other organizations to address these issues and are proud to support the outstanding work that First Nation police services are doing in cooperation with Thunder Bay police, especially around the illegal and prescription drug trade. We will respectfully and appropriately address our concerns to Mayor and Council.”