Camp Quality Blog 2014 – Day Four

Camp Quality

Brendan Turner, Manager of Programs, Camp Quality Canada joins our campers at the Canada Games Complex
Brendan Turner, Manager of Programs, Camp Quality Canada joins our campers at the Canada Games Complex
THUNDER BAY – Day Four of Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario started with extra groggy faces since we began our day an hour earlier than usual. But, this lost hour of sleep was definitely worth it because we had an super busy day of exciting activities.

After breakfast, our campers and their companions caught the bus to head into town. First stop: our annual picture at the Terry Fox Memorial Monument.

Bowling at Galaxy is always exciting.
Bowling at Galaxy is always exciting.

Once we hit the big city, we made our way to Galaxy Bowing Lanes to play 5 and 10 pin bowling. This bowling trip was extra exciting because we had a surprise waiting for us at the bowling alley- two special guests: two players on the PGA Tour competing in the Staal Foundation Open! We had an awesome time bowling with Alexis Anghert and Max Gilbert and we wish them luck when they compete this weekend!
The Roar Starts Here... Denver and Peter with PGA Tour players, Alexis and Max
The Roar Starts Here… Denver and Peter with PGA Tour players, Alexis and Max

After lunch at the bowling alley, we visited the Canada Games Complex. Our campers were excited to swim, dive, and go down the water slide. Also, a group of male campers and companions also planned a repeat performance of last year’s ever popular synchronized swim! The hidden talents in these campers is extraordinary!

Throughout the day, we were happy to be entertaining a close friend of Camp Quality, Camp Quality Canada’s Manager of Programs, Brendan Turner.  Brendan joined us yesterday and will be with us until tomorrow.  It is always a blast to have him on site!

The weather co-operated and the Tennis Camp continued at Camp Quality
The weather co-operated and the Tennis Camp continued at Camp Quality

In the late afternoon, the campers were able to compete in the tennis tournament that was delayed from yesterday. This was nicely organized and run by our neighbouring camp owners, Jerry Stitt and his granddaughters. After many hard-fought matches, the winner of the tournament, Braeden, received a well-deserved trophy from Jerry. Connor, the runner-up also got a trophy. Well done boys!!

We, at Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario, are pretty lucky to be friends with many people from Harley Davidson-Thunder Bay! This wonderful group of Harley Davidson riders came to came to visit and gave our campers and volunteers rides on their awesome bikes! They even presented each of our campers with a t-shirt and a goodie bag. We especially liked the visit from the coolest dog we’ve ever met- he was rocking a pretty stylish pair of sunglasses! Thank you all!

Harley Davidson
A visit from the Harley Davidson owners and Thunder Bay Harley Davidson is a favourite.

Each cabin of campers showed up to dinner dressed as families. Our families ranged from gardeners to Hawaiians to royalty. The teams competed in a camp-wide Family Feud competition and can now name answers to questions like what are: “the top six lollipop flavours” and “the top six things that would ruin a camping trip”, among others.  The winners get breakfast served to them tomorrow morning by the organizers – the kitchen team.

We ended our night like most other nights- together around the fire and playing boardgames. Tonight was super sweet because our late-night snack was s’mores! What could be better that that?!

This is the third year that has hosted the Camp Quality Northwest blog. We are pleased to support the work of Camp Quality, and the ongoing battle to beat cancer. On a personal note, cancer has taken both of my grandparents, it tried to take my mom. There are few people in Northwestern Ontario who are not impacted by cancer. When cancer takes on children, it is time for us all to rally to help them.
Camp Quality

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