Camp Quality Blog – Day One – July 12 2014

Camp Quality

Camp QualityTHUNDER BAY – At Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario, we believe in improving the quality of life for children living with cancer, and for their families. We help them to find joy and hope through the healing power of laughter and optimism, shared experiences and ongoing support. This is what our goal is at our signature summer camp held from July 12-18 at Camp Duncan on Loon Lake. Today was our first day!

It was an early start for our volunteers who began their day cleaning, organizing, and unpacking our supplies and bushels of toys to prepare for the arrival of our campers- they did this all without complaint so props to our wonderful team!

Camp Quality Getting ready to leave to head into camp
Camp Quality Getting ready to leave to head into camp

Our campers, both new and returning, arrived in the late afternoon with smiling faces and anticipation of all the amazing things to come this week! Things they have to look forward to include karate lessons, baseball with the Thunder Bay Border Cats, motorcycles rides, and a trip to Aerosports trampoline park, among many others.

The programming team tasked the campers and their companions with their first project: decorating their cabins! Camp Duncan is now covered in streamers and balloons in every colour imaginable.  The winning cabin will be announced tomorrow!

At dinner, we chowed down on tacos and burritos before our “feed a friend dessert” where each person had to feed their neighbour to their left some dessert. Needless to say, some people don’t have the best aim!

Two friends sharing some cake at Camp Quality 2014
Two friends sharing some cake at Camp Quality 2014

A tradition at Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario has been to enjoy the beauty of East Loon Lake- our home for the week- during our pontoon rides provided by our generous neighbours. This years pontoon rides were provided by Captain Rick who gave an amazing tour of the Lake. Some lucky riders caught a bald eagle swooping down to catch it’s prey!

Swimming at Camp Quality 2014
Swimming at Camp Quality 2014

We ended our night huddled together around the fire before getting ready to watch a spectacular firework display by Fireworks Unlimited.  It was the perfect way to start our camp week with a bang! Looking forward to what’s to come!!

This is the third year that has hosted the Camp Quality Northwest blog. We are pleased to support the work of Camp Quality, and the ongoing battle to beat cancer. On a personal note, cancer has taken both of my grandparents, it tried to take my mom. There are few people in Northwestern Ontario who are not impacted by cancer. When cancer takes on children, it is time for us all to rally to help them.
Camp Quality

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