Moving Forward in Thunder Bay
THUNDER BAY – There is a lot of very positive efforts and actions happening in Thunder Bay. Our community is rapidly transitioning from a ‘Mill Town’ to a more dynamic and enterprising centre. The incredible leading edge research at the Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute is world-class.
Thunder Bay is on the leading edge of molecular research, and has become a centre where researchers from around the world are coming to further their research.
The white lab coat is, in many ways replacing the yellow hard hat as a symbol of our community.
Lighting Up the Lungs
The pulmonary research being done right here in Thunder Bay will impact once complete, miners, and asthma sufferers. The work is offering new ways of looking at medical issues.
Dr. Albert calls it “Functional MRI Technology”. It all sounds complicated, and the science behind it is very indepth. However the future impact on both a research and commercial level will likely impact the entire globe.

Dr. Mitchell Albert, Lakehead University/TBRRI Research Chair, TBRRI Scientist and Director of MR Research Program, at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre is one of the researchers leading a team of researchers who is studying how to help patients with lung issues.In Thunder Bay, one of the continual calls that EMS receives are calls for patients with breathing difficulties. Research happening here, in Thunder Bay is leading the way forward to make a serious difference in making our lives better.